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Blonde Hair

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REDKEN One United All-In-One Treatment Spray - Navidi Hair Company
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REDKEN One United All-In-One Treatment Spray

25 benefits that increase manageability, protection and beauty - Delivers caring benefits for improved manageability, protection, beauty - Provides lightweight Conditioning -...

£23.60 £20.50
Kérastase Blond Absolu Huile Cicaextreme Hair Oil
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Kérastase Blond Absolu Huile Cicaextreme Hair Oil

Reignite your blonde hair with the Kérastase Blond Absolu Huile Cicaextreme Oil. This hair oil is the perfect treatment for post-bleached hair;...

£47.00 £40.00
Kérastase Blond Absolu Cicaplasme Heat Protector - Navidi Hair Company
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Kérastase Blond Absolu Cicaplasme Heat Protector

This opalescent lavender-coloured leave-in cream fortifies lightened, highlighted and grey hair. Enriched with Hyaluronic Acid and Edelweiss flower, Cicaplasme seals split ends...

£34.05 £28.95
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